February Prayers

February 1

Lord remind us when our faith grows weary and we are wondering where You are in our trials. Bring to our mind how You were with the three in the fiery furnace, they were not alone. You were there. You are here with each of us. You know exactly what is going on in our lives.

February 2

Lord help us to respect our earthly bodies. These are Your temples and yet we can abuse them. Help us Lord to make choices that are healthy. Some of us have difficulty in this area and we do need Your help. In the name of Jesus we pray.

February 3

Lord help us to be examples of Your faithfulness. So many unbelievers are watching. Oh that we would be true ambassadors. In the name of Jesus we pray.

February 4

Lord forgive us when we lose sight of You. When we get so busy with life and have filled our days with other things. Help us to find our way back to You. In Jesus’ name we pray.

February 5

Father God only You can heal our broken hearts. Doctors may be used to heal our bodies, but only You Lord can take our brokenness and our sorrows and turn them to joy. Thank You Lord for Your love and compassion. Amen

February 6

Lord here we are with our lamps full of oil awaiting Your return. We say come Lord Jesus come. Our hearts are overwhelmed with joy in anticipation of Your return. Oh may we all be ready. Amen

February 7

Father we pray for abundance of faith. For with this faith we may be able to see You on the throne and be filled with such awe and reverence and would not have the tiniest of questions, and would just believe. We ask in Jesus’ name.

February 8

Sometimes we question our salvation Lord. Remind us in those times of the words You spoke. “It is finished”. You did it all, it is completed. Our salvation is complete. Nothing needs to be added for You have done it all. Help us in our insecurities we pray in the name of Jesus.

February 9

How amazing it is the more we get to know You Lord the more joy and comfort, the more peace and love we have. All Your beautiful attributes just become so evident and it’s an ever flowing fountain of grace and mercy. We are so grateful for this Father.

February 10

Oh Heavenly Father help us to let ALL things go, so that our hands are completely empty to be able to take a firm hold onto You and You alone. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen

February 11

Help us Lord to discern right from wrong. There may be things in our lives that we believe are right when they are not. We thank You for the freedom You have given us. May we not take it for granted. In Jesus’ name we pray.

February 12

Lord You hear our groans of pain and anguish. Lord please have mercy on us who are in physical pain. It can feel so overwhelming as we cry out to You to free us. Hear us Lord, heal us Lord in Jesus’ name we pray.

February 13

Lord there are times we might read Your word and pick and choose verses to confirm what we believe, instead of reading all the verses before and after. May we read the whole text before making any judgements. We ask for Your wisdom in Jesus’ name we pray.

February 14

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son. That WHOSOEVER believes in Him will have eternal life”. Thank You Lord for this gift of love. Amen

February 15

We lift up our Pastors' wives to You Lord. We ask for their keeping, for a special anointing. Give them courage, wisdom, strength as they minister to their husbands, families, the church. Shower them with blessings as they are a true blessing to us. In the name of Jesus we pray.

February 16

Your word Lord says, You hate divorce. You are our husband and You will never divorce Your church. Thank You for You will never abandon Your bride.

February 17

Father make us instruments fit for Your purpose. To be used mightily for Your kingdom. Empower us with boldness, courage, and wisdom in Your word. Nothing of us, ALL OF YOU. In the name of Jesus we ask.

February 18

Those of us Lord that are baby Christians need Your help to grow up. We need Your hand to lead us. Those of us that are mature help us Lord to remain steadfast. As this world is becoming so full of evil and Satan is using all his tactics to get a hold of Your children.

February 19

Help us to spread Your sweet fragrance everywhere we go. To speak Your word to those who do not know it in love and truth. In the name of Jesus we pray.

February 20

As we start this new day, set our hearts on fire so that we only desire everything of You and nothing of this world and flesh. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

February 21

Father, may we discern You in all that we see, and serve You in all that we do through Jesus Christ our Lord.

February 22

Lord of creation Your glory is all around us. Open our eyes to Your wonders, that we may serve You with reverence. For only You and You alone deserve to be praised, worshipped and adored.

February 23

Heavenly Father You designed each of us uniquely and gave each of us specific gifts and talents to fulfill Your purpose for our lives. Lord if only we would follow Your leading we would be truly content and filled. Help us to follow You. We ask in the name of Jesus.

February 24

Thank You Father that You are not done with us yet. Some of us feel like lost cases. Your word says, “He is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them”. Thank You for this promise. For this is our hope.

February 25

Holy Spirit hold our hands in our weaknesses for with You there’s nothing to fear, and nothing to worry about. Help us to feel Your presence so that we can be stronger than the giants in our lives. Amen

February 26

Father may we be grateful for all that we have been given. May we be compassionate and able to minister to those around us who are in need with what we have been blessed with. For nothing is ours, it is all Yours. Amen

February 27

Heavenly Father, You are intimately aware of the struggle some of us are going through. The pain and the despair that has taken us over. We ask for Your healing, for we know that You are able. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray.

February 28

As we begin a new day Lord, remind us that nothing is going to happen to us today that You have not allowed and that which You cannot take care of. In Jesus’ name. Amen

February 29

Lord miracles are needed. People need work. Relationships to be restored. Children need to be saved. Bodies to be healed. Churched revived. We come to You and You alone for You are our answer. You are our miracle worker. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen

Marj Lancaster