Pickleball League

The Men’s Ministry Pickleball League will begin a new season on Monday, May 6 from 6-8pm.

What’s Pickleball? Currently it is the fastest growing sport in America! It combines racquetball, tennis, badminton, and table tennis and is great for all ages, 16-80.

Beginners and all skill levels welcome, and you can bring your own equipment or we will provide!

Pickleball will be held every other Monday (dates below) in Fellowship Hall at 6pm.

Dates: 5/6, 5/20, 6/3, 6/17, 7/1, 7/15, 7/22, 8/5, 8/19

There is a $15 registration fee and you can register by clicking the button below.

Cornhole Competition

The Men’s Ministry Cornhole Competition starts soon!

Regardless of your skill level this is a great opportunity for friendly Cornhole competition and great brotherly fellowship. 

The Cornhole games will run from 7-9pm each Thursday beginning May 9 – June 27 in Fellowship Hall at 123 White Oak Lane. 

The cost is $25 per person to cover prizes and snacks. Proceeds will go to BWC.

The final trophy will be given to the winners on the last evening, June 27. For the dates of May 30 & June 27 we will be meeting off site, location TBD, but all other weeks will be at Fellowship Hall. 

To register click the button below.

Pickup Basketball League

The Men’s Ministry will begin their Pickup Basketball League Thursday, May 16. Come meet new people, play a great game and share in the love of Christ!

All games will be played each Thursday night (May 16, 23, 30, June 6, 13, 20) from 7-9pm. Games will be played at the Sayrewoods Bible Church Gymnasium, 2290 US-9 S, Old Bridge, NJ.

The cost is $65 for the season and you can register by clicking the button below.

For more details on The Men’s Ministry or any questions about any of the sports, email

As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”(Proverbs 27:17)